The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)

ll IneemiTix IKS'ICHOCLS, ISSS'JLfsrsffsa I T.zftT lISS CszttTt Jilnf Iifrtt. 221 1 1 Uii MANAGEi "JCF. 4 Amatevr aof BABY SITTING, rte eav. You hav tr. tsK.

I hav rre hone. Rets. 43-5C4 4 ADVENTURE" 1W puoer vacht leavma tor Car- Bookkeeping Income Tax Efab. 1943 EX 6-4M1 Exct'Viil eooertunitv for csusjf to 4 eOiL 30 yrs. C4Jnet 4 carrrt.

w. r. panisgT Gerrrin crews, hor-! iMQ2 aAssiCATion Clossificatiorn Appear fet Mmrtcai Secxjenca Ate Sea Top of Page 3 for Comprehonsiv Inde HOUSEKEEPER-BABY SITTER opr! tci 4 tot Ve-y reas. ra-e. GR.3-4c.xii eJr Cwneoulit.

WindVcMjera'l monrhiv. ortr'v oeen central 4 south America. Wull O've on known locations of sonked Spanisn Gdiieorts -r excavate Mayan KK.PG. serv. wkiy All taxes reas.

WE WCTS fake pride In our training. Our years of prov there i no way to court. Lmin evarr-rt, aTf, frirse benefits tor eaat 4 cx. Cpolact: Ci4l-c Ruert. File arcneeclog-cal site.

aAar expenses. Phore -5114 1233 Mivinj, Shipping Urgent ACD-A-ROOM I tor iaav, onve, live in. Highest and lowest cost. Per- saL R' Bsx T'mt) swrpfjirtsJoCaSi! Coonrry Ch Manager, Tecot FaiiororlL Ca.rt. (7i4) 716-1149 skinny dusgam moving to EurcDe RT Jet 431 'A service.

Licensed. XOV.PANiON for eiderly lady, basv or, 3 cn. aren eges I 4 11, and JANITORS, man 4 wife 30-45 or 783 or cleaning lady wknas. Xmf MOVING van 9oe North 0 CY. JSI, nOTel lODi year, no chodrrn.

for Bve-W ioB In 1 rat Uaar T73-3il wmj i nouw cieanine. must oei availaole 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.. H0.2-4&41 Need part of load. children kuiirutien.

Good salary, Tows, 643 S. Olive, MA.3-3137 Brick Cement Work 1 807. COOK, Hspr. AWtherless home. Live LICENSED (.

rm. apt. Must have good reterence. A-l MOVERS. au i rr etw r- Man.

tnru Frl. Hacienda He.shts a-e. If interested call Ken Mc3on- a. V5T.i TTT out. Sal.

not unoer VBfl. Insured. Jl-75 or tfi-t Travel 29S-7722 aia 4-41ll. Ext. 205 write omy, lo Joseph Bo-vasart, Motor A L.

90034 CPL. Moe 10U. Lo Flrl I are Wis an nr. For most thins. AAA ce-' Paul Cleaner, Ironer, exa.

iul.e.srr; Siti Have car, re's. Seese A. CUT HSKPR. A-J Second liver. iaijlSiSt'lTriniportatisi-Air 1365 coon, orrve.

Permanent. Love cnil-( fl I DAYwflRk. houtefceeoer. I Excr.g.1 br. no pen.

N0.3-37W painting ft Pasiring 1243 Rest Homts 1 evs. Top ref. Fast, rel. Car. 735-6471 oren.

no smoKing 4 no drinking. Ag 25-50. S4O0 Mo. Apt. day Wk.

hard worlc Palm rwart araa FLYiNG J. a 1 oir one-way or return. Lvg. 31. Sharel expenses.

PAINTING-lrterior 4 Exterior. Free DAYwork wanted. Seat, experiefce Si ua Km or. semi or. wt untnsaiT cussincAnos rumbos CTWUKCOIEHTS 1200 through 1905 4 INCLUDES: Personals, Last Found, Diamonds and Jewelry, Schools, etc AUTOMOTIVE 9050 through 9S39 1NO.UCES: Motorcycle, Aircraft, Boats ft Yacht.

5 Mobil Home, Trailer fir Camper. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 3100 through 3221 FIKAKCIAL 3300 through 3725 INCLUDES: Industrial and Real Estate Loan f. Mortgages and Trust Deed. JskssflBtsrsst.WsBSi 2258 estimates. Arter i p.m.

256-5X3i 4 own car. AdJ-eoni 1 pm-10 pm. Enclose recent re eiev meais. eavs wk. amoui.i EXPERT Painting interior exterior.

DAY or 5 dav. steady hse. work 1311 Terences a pnone. Mrs, Pierce. P.O.

Bex 129, Paim Cesert. Exp. Honest. 750-3726. PL-3-64631 Free estimate.

3654811, DU.9-93S3 PAINT HOME. APT-OFFICE. HOUSEKEEPER Coc. A-1 CCM-I 1S9JOO SISJXfl oawn MAID (white) Live in. Local rets.

ACCOUNTING CLERK NCR RELIEF OPERATOR Old or new. Free estim. DU.684 PLcTc CHARGE. Live-in with son J. Meldv, North 4 Ca BR.

2-33791 Priv. room 4 bam. Salary open. PAINTING, vou furnish nalr.t. I furj Reference.

466-167J exf 104 rnone 1 -4 1 1 REST HOME. $69,000 GROSS OL.6-0767 HOUSECLEAN1N nish labor. Free estim. hr. "5.

1 la-'MAID, live In. Start $150. $200 "If AAAC0N BONDED DRIVERS ADVERTISING AGENCY needs alert VALENTINE LU. satisfactory. 4 yr.

old child. 984-1305 woman who likes detail and has PAINTING. Own work. Ex 1243 Social Gluts TUITION RATES and maintain our quality TRAIN NOW PAY LATER CALL-VISIT-WRITE FOR OUR FREE CAREER GUIDE -PBX REEPTIONIST -AUTO MECHANICS -WELDING sx -BODY-FENDER-PAINTINfl NCR experience. Duties will include

titHii IRONING IN MY HOME Call 666-2799 pert dado finishing, EX.9-5442 Inside 4 outside. Verv! PAINTING SHARE home with elderly colored lady warthriti. Household duties to perform in exchange for rm. 4 bd. RE.

4-3279 or 2954833 lime record keeping, routing ot cor respondence, filing, and ether cler ical functions In the accountine oe- Single? Widowed? Divorced? alterations. reasonable prices. DU. daywortc AVAILABLE TO DRIVE YOUR CAR ANYWHERE IN THE U.S.A. AN.6-6SA8! PAINTING.

Etei-ior 4 interior Lnx "wn car. Lail nues. HELP WANTED 2250 through 2652 MERCHANDISE 8000 through 8999 un i.vui wOAAAN desire davwork. Compton New York. 147 W.

42nd St. LO-4-0585 parrment. For more Information on lob requirement and benefit con- rates, free estimates. Who will you meet at the SO States Club? Our memDers are Doctors, Dentists, Lawyers, Oilmen, Teachers. Enaineers.

Real Estate men. area. Lan si-4Jit namatti-t ranalaa 1205 PAINTING. Chicago. 202 S.

Stat St. HA. 7-0084 Marnl. 10 NE 3rd Ave. FR.1-47M COLOR TV, RADIO REPAIR I Interior, exterior.

Call 622-1818 for free est. Larry, SCANDIA PERSONNEL DIRECTOR CARSONROBERTS INC. Ranchers, Actors, Secretaries, Ste- PALM SPRINGS 324-9111 1814 Paving imLULcs: Business tquipmcnr, nousenota, cameras, aperre Equipment Lumber Building Materials Machinery Livestock Pets 1322 Beverly LA. OL.1-2610 PLACEMc.4T AGENCY PERM. DOMESTICS.

No trans. Cost. IBM KETCUNLH (Work on the new 029) IBM PROGRAMMING INDUSTRIAL DRAFTING i ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLY TYPING. SHORTHAND ir MBC quality domestics 1 ner rtos. Nurses.

Teachers, Actresses! and many rich Widows. Foreign 4 Aiwf. airls immed. dates. ACCOUNTING Clerk Receivable 41 LOW RATES-GAS PAID ASPHALT Rtpair-Seal-Blacken! 232 N.

Lake, Pasa. MU.l-7j7 oavab light tvona. New ofc. wfg 50 STATES CLUB OL4VJ124 PROFEStlriNAI ATLAS SEALING 368-7104, 758-8X8 Co. Culver City.

637-6133 CALL US FOR DETAILED INFO. BONDED REAL ESTATE 4000 through 5925 RENTALS 6000 7998 Member of Chamber of Commerce ACCOUNTING Clark axa. an 10 key. UVE INS HO. 6-6422 NO FEE TO EMPLOYEES WOir.HT Aaanrv.

litlYI la Rraa 1821 Roofing GROCERY CHECKING OFFSET PRINTING i UPHOLSTERY POWER SEWING booa typist. uujhuh LU KALES Ot KAIIONALIT ES EMPLOYEES NO FEE HOUSEMAN XLNT. $300 up ACCOUNTING CLERK OL. 2-9744 CONTINENTAL Domestic Agency We're a Smash Hit! IBM COMPUTER DATING Call our hr. automatic phone for complete information.

TOTAL COST 13.00 ITT BARTON, Monterey Prk w.j i2os vtntura s. tity 17-7347 163 S. Western, 9-6. 6 da. DU.M333 ADMITTING.

CLERK -X- a. rfmPfflANHOUNCEMENTJ 1200 WEST COAST TRADE BUSINESS SCHOOLS LEGAL NOTICES ISOO ir Home Counselors Aaencv 8665 Wllshlre, Rm. 13. Beverly Hlllsl Drtssmakers-MilTinsrs 2138 DATE MATE HO.3-5444 for large Hospital. Good Typing net.

NOTICE (lite) ref. 250400 Friday Momma. July 22. 19o6 REGINA'S Alteration 4 Dressmak Hospital exp. prefd.

Varied hour MA. 7-6943 Rl. 9-2404 629-4411, Times Mirror Square, L.A. 53 ing. Appt.

hrs. 6 to 6 p.m. HO.6-4652 incl. afternoon 4 eves. Apply Personnel, Cedars-Sinai, Cedars of Le ALONE? for service with Integrity can The Aristocrats cmrtuicx rAI Pt5 4015 Beverly Bl.

662-1141 NEED $6 DO THIS NOW. BLOOD IS NEEDED) 14 for Rh dos. ia tor Rh nea. KIYO'S Dressmaking Alterations L. 3-3251 NE.

9-31 11 1051 LOST AND FOUND ANY KINO RfcAS. HO.7-5717 banon rtosp. 4633 Fountain. NO.2-9111 ext. Ill 1615 Olvmple DU.l-7719 or 657-2062 A special meetinff of the Board of Medical Examiners of! the State of California will be, held in Room 1194, State Buildinp; Annex.

455 Goldenl Gate Avenue. San Francisco, California, commencing on Monday. July 25, 1966, and continuing through Friday, Tiilir OQ laCC In. tuimnca L.A., 1425 S. Flower I L.A 8fl05 S.

Wstii-n AZTEC DOMESTIC AGENCY Quality help Llve-ln ADMITTING CLERK Nurses 2144 8537 SUNSET BLVD. Discus programs for Reg weekly BASSET Hound, 4 yr. old male lost Arcadia Vic. Red collar. Reward.

EL.9-13041 Hospital experience, for 63 bed hos Top girls available now $135-1300 SINGLE ADULTS pract. nurse exp. elderly care. AUTO DELIVERY DIV. DEALERS TRANSIT INC.

OFFICES COAST TO COAST To or from anywhere In USA Gov't license VMC4405 Full insurance coverage Low rates Incl. gas, oil, etc 623-4111 donation wnn or. in cnars Mon. thru Frl. 7 a.m.-3 p.m.

335 E. 4th St LX ijijct i oayi wx. a.m. to 6 p.m. pital, includes weekend work.

910 S. Fairfax. WE. 1-3851 kind, writ. 462-2681 LYNWOOD NE.9-3111 LU.I-J342 11441 So.

Atlantic L.A. 5059 Whittier Bl. 268-6251 CULVER CITY VE.7-4403, EX.44910 10836 W. WASHINGTON VAN NUYS ST.1-6070, 345-5638 Call office nearest you for 2 min. re-: CAT, Burmese altered male, small, 2 dark brown, may be wearing ua.

oroaaway, IWA. 2-SI56. TAO nriMPSTIP AftBurv ADMITTING CLERK RK. Exo. Xlnt hie Dlue conar wname ia.

ui corded message. 24 nrs. a oay. W.L.A. 838-2967, Long Bch.

434-0731 Whit. 698-3911, Pasa. 795-5501 of holding; legal hearings, and Air Memorial JOB Wanted Countii 2150 vic. Motor Liberal reward. Korean houseman $300 wonting conos.

bh A-l French gourmet cook Hospital. Mr. Ryan. 46-jC3l 0741 SAntar L.A.. HEIRS CASH NOW FOR INHERITANCE TRUSTS Call or write for Information CASH TO HEIRS Xlnt.

dayworkers J16, 50 ADMIN, dir. Exp. Single between 35 an omer matters mat may properly coma before the Board. UP.0-2685 or LU.7-7254 HUNGARIAN Cpl. desire hskpg.

Posi urn snerman way EL MONTE. Gi. 3-9491, ED. 2-1941 10709 E. Valley TE.5-7996 tR.0-25S1 KI.5-7166 Letters Indicate Class Locations 4 50.

Mex. hskprs. sok. Eng $200-300 Box W-090 Times CAT Siamese 11 yr. Seal Pt.

cars on tion, wife gen' cook, husband gar NEED A FRIEND? LISTEN TO CR.5-9511 TERRI RICHMOND Introduction BOARD OP MEDICAL io n. ceveny urive. j4-7129 dener, chauff. 4 all-around small re 3850 WILSHIRE BLVD. DU.f-2174 head.

Rew. uays. Mrs. teran, WE.8-6585 or 669-6324, HO.3-9495 eve. MEN WOMEN pair, write jonn Lonnc, co Lioerty Hungarian Daily Newspaper, 271 if DOMESTICS 223 W.

3rd St. MA 34171 ADVERTISING Like money in the bank co*ckE R-Poodle, pure white male EXAMINERS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA by: SHELBY M. HICKS, M.D. Secretary-Treasurerl 9052 Santa Monica Bl noon-9 p.m. 610 S.

MAIN ST. SUITE 999 lostl Name T-Ann. Rewara.jz-j loneae loronio ia, unt Lan' da. MEXICAN EMPLOYMENT Agency, Psyche-power for work, business, Personal Introd. Institute COLOR SLIDES, Leather Brief health, romance, etc.

Immed. bene SPANISH 4 NEGRO HELP NOT resp. for any debts but my. JANITORIAL WORK Nttes. 10 yrs.

exo. Own equip. Lie. Immed. avail.

1 yr. guar. Ld fee. Case, car Keys, treou cams lusi nr. Stoner Park.

Generous Reward. fits or money refunded, si tor tun Instructions. F.PA, 163 S. Fairfax, Have you ever thought own. jonn Henry fruoentiai tmpioyment Agency Insur.

Free est. PL.5-6001, PL.7-5025 CR.1-8701, or CR.5-7081 NOT respon. for any debts but L.A. at, laiir. 315 S.

Broadway. 629-8123 add year to your life 4 life to your years." Let us arrange suitable partner for you. Office hours 1-9. Phone 272-9031 anytime. "TRY the biggest 4 best for less: HUMAN INVENTORY.

INC. MANAGERS, Hi-Rlse Hotels. DACHSHUND. Youna male. Found my own.

Mrs, uoraon msnop. my own. Mrs, uoraon oisnop. KAU FMAN'S OP NEW YORK HE1NKE Agency. The orlg.

empioy- Litenme exp. riignesi local rets, vic. Bundy-Bowung Green. i-yw FINE MrOKTED SMUtS 876-6000, ext. 802, 761-0025 ttUALIFIED P.eiidDie sat Driver WILL DRIVE YOUR CAR to or from anywhere In U.S.


for any debts but my own. Raymond C. Velasquez. WOT cocn fn. ontf ahto Hut rrw NOT resp.

for any debts but my 1401 Computers New Classes Forming nrva Dalmatian, female. White Now you can buy the MOST FASH er-paia agency tor prof, domestic. Chauffeur, valet. Lot ref. Sal.

open. 7227 Beverly Blvd. WE.3-9401 MOTEL: retired couple, graduates of a sales career? YOU EARN DIK. SPOtS. KtrVAKUi OOl-40 1959 S.

La Cienega Bl. 838-7364 Licensed by non-profit professional IONABLE imported from Italy 6 France direct to vou at factory pri FISHING Tackle box, lost Playa del organization own, unnstopner k. Tomiinsoni motel managers cnooi, oesire position go anywhere. PO Box 144, Victorville. 245-9542 LIVE INS if HO.

6-6422 Bav brMkwiisr. sentimental vaiue. ces now In Bev. Hill. 9551 Wilshire Blvd.

NOT responsible for any debts Dauiarri 721-3437 NO FEE TO EMPLOYEES NEW MARVELOUS DOG-SPOTENE YOU'RE MISSING THE FUN Dance. Bowl. Shows. Beach Trips, OVER SOCIAL CLUB WRIGHT Agency, 1600 N. La re GERM.

Shep. blk. 4 $ll. Male. Lost JOBS OFF.

DOMESTIC 2200 uul my own, xmy lanamma. NOT responsible for any debts but my own. Paul Hughes. CLOSED for Vacation. Open again uei Air vic.

rtcLy. vt. imrii ensil IDannu' 1 Alt uI 1000 E. walnut, Pasa. 449-64131 monoay, juiy jstn.

jean Lnarieston, Removes animal aitticuit stain from rugs. Deodorizes! Only J3.00 at. for Immed. del. call 451-1017 orl write Dave's Carpet Cleaner.

1437 Lincoln Bl. Santa Monica, Cal.l Help Employment Agency, 212 W. Why pay more to deliver 4r Your automobile? -4r respons. for any debts but PLACES to go. Things to do.

Always if AID MOM $200 Child csre-hswk. Live In. Prl. Laurel lanyon. hwiu.

ww iw.x or 98S-2713 jra sr. my own. ranisn Data Processing Courses more tun wnen mere are iwu. SELECT-A-DATE NOW I MIXED Collie Terrier. Female- .1.

14- 1 Dm. ba. Age 20-40. Refs. CR.5-8831 COLONIAL DOMESTIC AGENCY Employer Pays Fee NOT respon.

for any debts but Autos delivered by Continental, Inc. cam Drown wnin, kuai wnv run f- AAiilhnllanri RFWARH. my own. jam 11704 Wilshire. GR.7-0565 IBM KEYPUNCH IBM TAB WIRING ANY RACE HO.

2-5809, 674-8686. HEY LOOK COUPLES NEW IN CALIF? Let us Introduce if AID HSWK. NO COOK BoVs pet. CR.1-5134, CR.6-4953 NOT respon. for any debts but LATIN HOUSEKEEPERS IBM 1401 PROGRAMMING Stay.

Prl. rm. 3 Chlldr. 472-0032 A Happy Tomorrow Is Yours my own. Helen wnite.

POODLE Silver mln. male (ped.) you to couples wim same Interest IBM 360 PROGRAMMING ig ANYWncKe $50 Maximum BONDABLE INSURED SAFH MA. 7-3856 Live In or out. Selected repl. guaranteed.

Lowest fee. 748-6369 AID mother. Child care, lite hskpg, Bpen 10-8, 7 days. OL.4-2124 For the right companion, call the NOT respon. for any debts but SlUDhNT LOANS AVAILABLE DAY AND EVENING CLASSES duch*ess.

785-1811, 873-57871 name rierre. missinv n. wr a vic JeffersonLa Brea. Blue heart-shaped tag on coIlar.Rew. WE.3-3160 pr.

rm. 4 ca. no smok. Rets. New 1 story.

$175 mo. ST.8-3656 GIRLS popularity formula. Expert my own. Kaipn naro COLONIAL DOMESTIC AGENCY Employer Pavs Fee. ea.

-all ruts rLAtcwtN I Ao5 la IftMt ati rftcnnn fnr anv riphta hut approved for visa studentx11-11 respon. tor any aeDis dui AIO V. PROD. HOME personaoie aanc instructor win quickly teach you any dance. Waltz 11704 Wilshire, GR.7-0565 Jewish Introd.

by Kurt POODLE. Creamtan male. Not Don stand still move 215 W. 7th L.A. Suite 931 my own.

Dennis Groneman 8m. hme. Gen. duties. Live in.

TkJ SPANISH maids, $125 up; daywork clipped, vie. los rem inmiii r. I I nursnA 1 to warusi. Kets. supplied, can Jack, 591.i564 wkday l-lOom resp.

Drive. $225. CR.3-6004i BY DtrT, Ur- IrvwvilliKAl IUIM MTI Business Schools NOT responsible for any debts ers 81.50 hr. Ortli Employment Lic'd. Hrs.

1-8 p.m. OL.4-8643 4- AID hswk. No ck. White. Adits.

I CmII.K D.rlanl I At dut, my own. Annur tr. MEETING lecture hall. New fif Agency, 3614 w.

Pico hi. 38Z-9072 HOLLYWOOD 5512 Hollywood Bl. stay, sat.sun. ott. siw.

iK.i-oitt vie. racmc rnnaauea. anT-are BLACKMOOR Overseas Agency, 1124 U.S. Customs Advertises selzedi mdse.

See 77-14-21 ads. HU.l-94l RE.l-7367 AID hswk. $200 mo. Live In S'i da. SIAMESE Cat.

1 yr. Altered te- b. Beverly urive, L.A. ties Diag. Accommodate 150 people stage sound system.

Ample parking avail. Reasonable rates. Ask for executive terrace. 462-8686 JEWISH INTRODUCTIONS CALL DOROTHY SAX 0L. 6-1426 1-7 p.m, LOS ANGELES 1821 Western PL.0-5760 1.

9-1391 RefS. Exp. NO Ck. B6-6J64 CR.1-1131 Domestics BR.2-0041 SEATTLE-PORTLAND SAN FRANCISCO SOME GAS PAID MA. 7-3856 215 W.

7th A. Suite 931 NOT respons. for any debts but uaef aalft. Rol.Alr. Reward.

i72-8032 AID Mother (working). 3 children 12215 Santa Monica Bl. GR.7-9507 FOR Best Help Employer Pavs Fee my own. Jrewster w. t-owan, Live In.

Salary open. 675-1765 "COUKSfc LOCATION JUNE ART AGENCY 272-3773 SIAMESE male, lost Palms vie. Re- AID Mother. Live In. Beverly Hills 435 N.

Beverly Beverly Hills 1905 Bids Wanted FOOTHILL RESIDENT RANCH FOR HANDICAPPED BOYS It 4 OVER. Mr. 4 Mrs. E. L.

Guy. Star Route, Catheys Valley, Calif. ALONE? CALL 656-1426 Immediate Introduction to attractive people of your choice SCANDIA PLACEMENT AGENCY horne.Phone: tK.uzsj AID Mother care 9 children. Spanish. 4- $200 REWARD SEE ad.

Mon. 711 bids for 232 No. Lake. SY.5-S953, MU.1-73751 RELIABLE-BONDABLE-DRIVER Europ. (Speak some English) 870-28121 grading paving.

faCKTD. World Agencv. 4419 PERSONAL 4 PSYCHOLOGICAL Liuo. Hrs. I- p.m.


Europ. or Or- MA.4-9381, ST.3-2899 L.A. County seeks office lease. To drive vour ear anywhere from asn t'INSTANT DATE T0NITE See 623-30 77 notice. MAYFLOWER Placemt.

AGENCY L.A. Assured Delivery-Lowest Rates lent. Gd. pay. Dr's.

home. 776-0768! AID motherless home. 2 boys. Full LOST. Male VIC.

of Pa- DU. 7-51961 3511 W. 6 St. Keeve. yai-oui or part time.

Live in. 934-8856 JOBS WANTED MEN 2000 876-8100 ADVANCED DRIVER SERVICE 657-2946 A-l DOMESTIC AGENCY GIRLS FREE LIFE OF THE CITIC VUOal niKiiwori imi niw. tn ctnrmv. Ceui Jnn Gar read palms for funentertainmentj 355 S. BROADWAY.

MA.7-1765 land. Call GL-29tM 1710 N. La Brea, Suite 202, Hollywd. BABY-Sitter. 1 child Live-In.

Lovely! apt. Small salary rm. 4 brd. Ex-Dottant mother welcome. Send $1 for complete illus.

data to CARPET laver. 12 vrs. exo. Exo. in DIAL-A-DATE CONTINENTAL Domestics Agency ncr riomn fihea.

Huskv. Female P.O. BOX 64376, L.A. 64, Calif. 900641 stall, yuc yo.custom me.

i-4Bzi 12069 Ventura City 877-9347 For "Particular People" Low fees 273-9133 aft. 6. 772-5658 up to a job where you can progress FASTI An outstanding opportunity is offered by THE LOS ANGELES TIMES If you have soma business experience in retail sales, office work, or have any newspaper background, you will find this an excellent opportunity CHAUFFEUR 4 cook desires posi "KNOW-HOW" PAYS OFF! ELECTRONIC-TELEVISION AUTO-DIESEL-AAACH. SHOP INDUSTRIAL DRAFTING AIR REFRIGERATION Visit, write or phone Mr. Troy Open a.m.

'til 10 p.m., AD. 4-9061 NAT0NAL TECH. SCHOOLS Wh brown, pk. Drown ears. Answer to Princes.

Reward. Vic. Tar-Tana DI.3-7409 Girls Free. OR. 8-7137-653-5729.

CALL 661-4647 CAL-WESTERN MANUFACTURERS tion. Xlnt. refs. trans. 732-5692.

Hotel, Cats, Rest', Ag. 2207 BABYSITTING Exchange for room 4 board. Small salary. 3 yr. old boy.


Black brocade coat. Lined COOK Inst. Exp to $500 cook 4 serve. 4o-auu4i Jnln ttw fun. 1000's have! sold sarin.

Laoei Koman aponawear Academy Asency, 610 s.Bwy. R.Z20 BABY SITTER to tak car of 7 mo. old In your home. 870-6449. CLEARING 4 Hauling! Also trees Answering Servlci 1204 Select.

S3 complete.OL.3-5729-674-8666 lost Liniano ariro. jvj enmnH frammi ofl rViiin frle OTl.nHAI i re-r rtiA I At'm rnanm vuatrh In, Apartments Motet Ag. 2209 LONESOMENESS eliminated. Pers, rAA 1 7 .,..6. Jm, DHDI Ol I I CTi LIIO "if scr bed.

euroanK vie kew. intr. aii ages, r-ree to gins xehiorBe 4 shift work. Reliable. Call 837-8905 APT.

4 Motel Mgrs. Cpls, Immediate ev. AKI.AUIA IAK ILUB. HO. 6-2466 24 hrs.

UNLIMITED CALLS 7 mo. ic FREE CARS-BOSTON GO NOW. WE. 8-2588 BABYSIT, ve-n. Lite hskong.

Sal. openings. Apt. 4 Moltl Association, Arcadia. 444-3745 Give age.

Box 471, LOST. Dark oray small toy poodle. open. Refs. Start now.

esi-ov4. 555 Alexandria, du.b-6136 Mif II tf st Hac ra isaaes. I iv. lOOU BU5INES5 CARDS 4. WSerV.

GERMAN INTRODUCTIONS BABY Sit (Colored pregnant girl) In DRIVE '66 CAR (FREE GAS) from Please. REWARD! GR.2-2224 24 Hrs. Both Phone, MalfServ. $5 up exchange tor rm. 4 poara.

an-ajau Jobs of Intrst. Couples 221 2 to a p.m. Lie, wr. weer. ui.

-ntu LOST UNIQUE GOLD PEN INCA mo. HO.6-7171, OL.6-3O00, MA MidwestEast coast cities 4 other points to L.A. 879-1720 DISPLAY MAN World-wide exper. (Retail). Interior 4 window, high-grade fash, store, men, women 4 child.

Ex-mgr. of hi fash, stores in Buenos Aires. Gd. local 4 comm. refer.

Write: D. Masid, 2802 W. 8th 201, L.A. 469-8468. SINGLE OR WIDOWED? CHILD CARE EXPER.

cple. to manag new 70 Un, S5 MO. 24 HRS. Design, w.l.a. area, breai sentimental value.

Rew. GR. 2-6452. 4000 S. Figueroa LA.

PHOENIX aoartmentmote Nr. Disnev and CRestvlew 1-4477. Hollywood 4-6477 CATHOLIC INTRODUCTION CLUB Hours 2 to P.m. CR.4-9695 Exp. woman wref.

Care for I m. chldr. Lit Live in. Sal. Must be sharp 4 aggressive, know LOST Big gray Persian cat.

Sun. vie. BOTH Pnone, Mall Service, J7 mo. FREE CAR5. 683-2960 Ai ONE? Write Beverly Social Club.

an phases ot tms type operation. open. Bev. Hills. 878-18871 Sanborn 4 cumoenano av.

601 S. VERMONT. OU. 6-7104 DRIVE TO PHOENIX Box 177, Bellflower, cant. to.6-zio a v.

week v. month y. Age. 40-55 NO.5-8120 GARDENER Eng. descent.

Loc. if CHILD CARE Seattle, S.F. 4 points East 876-8100 Sal. 50o Dlus turn. 1-br.

aDt. Also LONELY? Write Golden West Club. LOST red 4 brn. F. Shep.

named AUTO refs. Perm. only. HO.9-4209 atrer s. 1710 N.

La Suite 202, Hollywd cple. for maid 4 marnten. sjuu mo. Bsaoty SagesstlBns 1207 Box 765-M, San Fernando, Lai. sanrtv.

R. i Garoens. K. SPOTS GARDENER, exo. Bldo.

maint. Best! No cniioren or pets. jn-m-ati MINNEAPOLIS 730, mi car air. Tane Lite hskp. Live In.

Bev. Hills Apt. Europ. or Orient.

Age 21-35. Exp.refs. S250. 271-7441 on tongue. Rew.

773-4233 CLARA Broadway local refs. Live in or out, uu.z-twu Take 2-heip drive. 633-IB54 ev, MANAGER for 16 units furn. 669 MA.5-7705 "FOR SALE" WIGS Beautiful Expensive 100 542 LOST Diamond watch. Glrard-Perre- Levering westwood.

1 em- DRIVE as your car Denver. Phoenix HAULING, clean up yards and gara CHILD Care (2). Live In. Pr. MEET FOREIGN GIRLS Real Hair Now SIS.

Send for de gaux. Frl. is. van rewara. vie.

Bullock's Westwood. EX.3-2089 ges. Reasonable, ks.3-juoi 5an f-rancisco. oby-ihu Ellie's Oriental Club. BR.

2-00241 ba. TV. Lite hswk. Cook, 283-1579 Ployed ok. Free i Ddr.

turn, apt for service. GR. 3-3215; GR. 2-4283, tails. Madisons wigs, iws N.

inn HAUL mnva with enclosed van 4 Mechanics body 4 Fender Welding COUPLE desire ride to Boston RE matched for Good at FFI I ruT fom. St. Bernard. Wed. AM.

CHILD Care, 1 child 4 lite hskpg. My eves. Miami. Share expenses 714-63-W34 pads. Free to travel, m-obou nome.

4-342B atrer p.m train In our block long school and! vic. Hiywd. pwyearnam. ul.j-4iu CPL. to manage new 24 deluxe units, 104 So.

Vermont Ave. DU, 2-63631 MEET Charming European Girls.j cleaning, floor wax. JANITOR. Rug. mjUIPAN ION-DAYS BookSi Paintings, Prints 1208 FREE TO MIAMI.


TR.7-4913 Ing, rest. North Hollywood. Exper. nee. Apt, small salary.

Apply 6660 Whitsett, Tues. to iat. nu.s-iuis iruay Nursing exper. Lite cooking. Age 35 European.

Driver's lie. 016-31101 JAP. student 22, desires live in as BUFFALO, N.Y. Leave 725. 2 share Painting.

1500 vear. Apt. ioi, worm Hoiiywooa FOUND German Shepherd. No ID. F.

BELLINI S600. learn by doing. West Coast Trade Schools 5059 E. Whittier Blvd. 268-2651 Houseboyetc.

66S-u5s eves. driveexpen. pu.6-04ll p.m. Nick Box B-237, Times Grieving tor owner, nosi 520-Mt COMPETENT Reliable cple. to ir A-l COOK MALE, white 38.

serious. Lie. driver, manage newer, quality 23 ADULTS 4 small child drive your car N.Y. City or vie. (714) 494-50471 Churches 1213 9 yrs.

Gas sta. exper. wants Hlywd. No poolchldrn. 1 bd.

patio Hskpr. for adult cpl. Refined. 1-story home In Bev. Hills.

Very hi sal. for 1065! outl Any offers? Box R-263, limes, Missing Fersoni DRIVING East, take lady or woman apt. -r. 454-0647, Mr. Holiday.

HATHA YOGA. Prlv. evel classes" In, All Inquiries answered Classification Stamps, Coins 1 240 Will Be Found in Column 9 wcwid free. Bin. 6ve.

bx. iais CPL. to manage 17 unit motel. $200 753-3251 MUSIC Malar seeks creative work In conscientious woman wtop exp. best ioc.

refs. seeking perm. lob. 5'j days. New modern kitchen.

Lovely INSURED DRIVEAWAY SYSTEM ANYONE know'g. whereabouts nf Jay Sai H0.7-: 5986 8805 S. Western 10836 Washington Bl. 1425 S. Flower 1015 W.

Olympic 837-4403 Rl. 9-2404 Sun. large furnished apt. crensnaw Florence area. Experienced.

Mr. composing, arranging, etc. si.4-hbui Los Angeles. 748-3367 Anne toons, age eu, 4 ii im.1 Short steel grey hair, wears thick rm. wba.

4 TV. Call CR.6-3381 VUG. man. neat, adaptable, seeks ROOert. 654-3486 or 750-ym MA.

7-6943 CARS FURNISHED FREE ALL part-time pos. as etc. Take COUPLE 24 Units Diamonds Jswelry 1217 POINT5. U-DKIVfc If. 383-4IB4 glasses 4 wear'g light plaid beige PC.

suit. Miss'g. 6-19-66. WE.7-455: ic C00K-HSKPR. INCOME TAX COURSE Experience necessary to manage SHARE expenses, 4 driving to Pitts-! missing persons located.

maintain. Pasadena. Apt. Salary pnoe in aosoiute loyalty, noios r. pos.

in community, but time very flexible for up to week long trips. burgh. Lvg. appx. 725 948-1428 Live In.

Separate apt. No smoke. PA Aaa nf-in Alternate wknd. off. S25.QO reta ner, Daiance upon ioc.

send resume box d-usu, nmes Both Federal State INSURED Drlveeway System. Bever DIAMOND Dinner ring, 41 fine white1 diamonds In white gold mounting. Total weight about 1 ct $145 WE BUY OLD GOLD Antiques Jewelry-Diamonds. BARNEY GROSS 14909 Hawthorne Bl. 0S.M371 Dl Box N-006, Times.

MANAGE 26 unit Wllshlre-West $300. MA.4-8222. YO.6-5402 ly MIH5. 63-43I3 YOUNG man, 23, seek messenger pool. No children nor pets.

Hus- 1247 Swaps Earn good money during tax season. If vou have the desire to learn tax PHOENIX, D.C.. service work, open nrs. 1075 Missing Autos Band may work, t-urn. 1 peorm.

t-salary. 872-0066 Other points. U-urlve. zob N. BtvfcKLT severiy mi MY 32 ft.

cabin cruiser, sleeps (5) preparation and have the ability to YNGTman seek pick updel. service', work with figures, BLOCK wk0Den hrs HO.7-2421 Inr Am.rlra'c I ai-aast Tav Serv re. CPLE. Reliable for assistant mgr. of I fully equipped.

J6OO0. For motor REW. Info, on stolen '65 Pont. GTO COOK. HOUSEKEEPER In Beaut.

Santa Barbara estate home. Live In. Top pay if qual. Refsexper req. Ph.

collect 805-963-3885 or writ Box W- COOK with lite nursing In Bev. Hills apt. for handicapped lady. Mmt iieen In 4 drive. Good salary.

Maid 4 lite maint. Furn needs ot. time work, home, same condition 4 value. Call INTERLOCKING engagement 4 wedding rings. 4 round diamonds 4 4 baguetts around Marquise dia.

Best offer. 386-3975 or 651-4500 YOUNG man WSW. (KKAJI). 6I-S430 will train you. Tuition courses start SCHOOLS, TRAININQ 1500 to advance with the leading newspaper.

We give you complete training and pay while learning. If you feel you have sales potential and wish to make above average earnings you will enjoy this fast moving field of selling, servicing and processing Classified Advertising. Age 23 to 35 preferred, aggressive, neat appearing and be able to type at least 40 wpm. be high school graduate. I All company benefits that secure your future.

Company cafeteria and many other advantages. FOR INTERVIEW Come to Room 101 202 West 1st Street (Between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.) TIMES BUILDING Equal Opportunity Employer l-BR. $150 mo. in eardena.

can 462-1936. Winston 750-7400 etc. In August. REGISTER NOW) Call or a.m.- p.m. OS.5-5444 vKin man 91.

sapks interesting Pt PAINTER, 15 yrs. exper. In house L.A. Diamond Center, lie buyer dia APT. HOUSf: CPLE.

TO ASSIST painting, exteriorinterior, will exch time wk. driver, service. iio-ovm, 1100 PERSONALS write for details. BLOCK INC. America's Largest Tax Servlc loom Sn.

Hawthnrna Blvd. Refs. requested. CR.6-9819 EARN BIG PAY MGR. HSKPR.

4 LITE MAINT, iTYNG. creative man eagerly seeks! monds, leweiry, estates, top prices Pd. Free epprls. 450 S. Hill MA.9-3714 service for auto or what have you.

DU.3-5679 GOOD SALARY APT. APPLY white. 2 adults. pick updel. serv.

wk. ni.i-iuj 621 5. GKAMcKLY PLACE va in f.nnfl TranDT. rnv. rm Hawthorne, Calif.

644-2251 or 772-2060 TOP price for DIAMONDS, gold 4 HOMES Inc. properties to trade! YOUNG man, mechanically ln- any PERSON havelns Information ant que ewe rv. Free appraisals. mature couple to manage TV. Local refs.

No smoking. $250 per mo. Beverly Hills. CR.6-399SI DIESEL TRUCK DRIVER dined, needs parr Time ioo. for Line, or Cad.

Mtr. hme. or Texas prop. Vic. Houston.

MA.6-3022 EDWAR, 147 S. Beverly Dr. BR.2-15341 40 units In Inglewo EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Within 90 davs guaranteed. Short lewoog. rree apt.

-r dren. salary, no enne PRIVATE PARTYWILL SACRI. concerning me saie or stock in silver State Sweepstakes, Nevada Corporation, by John P. Brown or any BIG Bear Lk. Frnt.

Lg. 3 br. hse7 6511 Mon. fhnt Frl. 9 to 5:30 Only school recommended by California Trucking Assoc.

GR. 7-f, Executive-Managers 2001 xtra tot. 15M eotv. Tr. for home.

hand 100 to 150 w.p.m. In 60-90 days enroll todayl Free demonstration MAINTENANCE man for small com if COOK-HSKPR. $375 Xlnt. cook to live In. Bev.

Hills. Other help. Top refs. Box A-190, Times. fTA'S TRUCK DRIVER SCHOOL guettes, plat, mounting.

783-7562 other person, please contact tne ot- Inc. or land. Own. 447-3511, Ext. 19 prfsidfnT nf small Midwest Mfr.

ira at th ATtnrnev or Ne pany witn wife available days to 5801 E. Washington L.A. 90022 alrv. LOANS on diamonds. 10 ac.

Delano $5000120 ac Utah vada, Carson City, Nevada, or call look atrer eioeriy woman. BDtn may HOJ-7786 Boulevard Loan Co. ($700,000 sale) wouia nice similar po lesson. SUPERIOR COLLEGE OP BUSINESS 11nfl e. Prairia Aua.

Hawthorne live in if desireq. Mr.mrn.BK.xiji Call 722-7119 day or night Training field In Rosemead Next class starts Aug. 1st. Collect 702-882-401 Warner Bldg, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Reference req.

2 adults and teen 112,000 Lot Crescent City $1,000, Jrade. LATE Model Pickup, car. lot, TD or 2 MIDDLE Aae cdI. to manage 22 uuitwff; WANTFn of auto ac sition in bo. taut, a yrs.

top msmi. exp. In all phases of hard line mfg. Box T-295, Times. WP BUY Diamonds 4 Old Gold 679-2594 (L.A.) 678-3736 age gins, frivate rm.

do. Mon. off. Sal. open.

BR.2-1641; cident Sunday, July I7tn, 7 p.m. at Fuerst, 222 W. 5th. MA.8-7069! Vic. 12thAlvarado.

Lite maint. sai Refs. Call 277-1849 aft. 6 p.m, for S5000 eqv. in 2 br.

4 den. Sun LOS ANGELES COLLEGE MEDICAL-DENTAL ASSIST'S. 3rd 4 Hauser on 3rd 4 Martel. Call "r'ONTRACTOR B-l COOK (White) Live in. Local rets Valley, 665-5815 BUY BONDS Rosenstock 4 Rosenstock, Attorneys, WILL R.M.E.

ED.2-9661 COUPLE Good cook 4 butler-drlver. HEAVY EQUIPMENT RAS TPRMS. DIFSEL Priv. room 4 bath, salary open. PALM SPRINGS valuable inc.

lot for DU. 1-6011 wnita. snanitn nr r-urooean. v. in.

MA.5-1391 Phone 2I-OI iy diamonds, boat, car 7 CK. 4-6219, Alhambra 2 adults. S500month. 934-9653 uiaviunl Tins. rial, wj rows mu.

2003 Office ANYONE knowing of Abraham, Mor Wa train vnu at Beaumont. on rnnifstrioht. tor family. Exper. white, 3.3 cis.

sac. raw GROUP of merchants will trade CPLE. over 40. Manage 4 Maint, Bulldozers, Scrapers, to qualify 400 S. Western, L.A.

801 W. Valley Bl. AT. 9-3664 3633 Long Beach, L.B. 1717 S.

Brookhurst (714 635-3450 5434 Van Nuys V.N. DIAMONDS 4 merchandise-service tor? MA.6-7807 GA. 6-8388! Anaheim ris, Ball Goioman, orig. trom m.t. pls.rte Hannah Kravetsky (Fross-Ing) 932 Lenox Rd Bklyn.

3, N.Y. I nec, Bel Air nome. lop salary. Live in. 398-7275 Diamond Jewelry.

719 Roosevelt Bldg, ACCOUNTANT. Bkkpr. Off. 24 U. furn.

court, santa monica. blk; Beach. Non drinkers. 275-2448 for the big jobs. Kes.

nm. stuoy M. weinstein. $1000 T.D. for late modal car or COOK-HSKPR.

Live tn. Must drive. De Luca Mfo. DIAMOND setting. LALL vu.i-mii Associated 711 S.

MIDDLE-AGED Couple as assist station wagon, t.o.p. 731-7281 MARY, attny. goofed. Filed divorce1 Fin. and cost Analysis, payrec.

Credit 4 Control. Responsible pos. Adrian Forstaln. 939-6276 after 6. ST.

3-65201 renshaw L.A. jewelers. 426 cn ant Mgr. of motel. 3 PM-11 PM.

$300 115.200 1-TD oav 1 Includes 8 Int Lovely 2 STory nome. rr. rm. grown children. Refs.

CR.1-3354. 71 orange to. tnecx cot cibtk ij American BARBER College per mo. -t- small apt, ajy-wu comacr rrgq win oscnr. sj-aoei cai.

osjs ACCOUNTANT for CPA office. Full MAR KWEL LOANS on or Buys. urs. Jewelry, 707 S. Hill, MA.3-9291 COOK, It.

hswk, for 1 lady, live I A DCflUeTCIU Moler Barber College GI BILL APPROVED IOW TUITION. EASY TERMS EXPER. couple to manage motel nan i mn ran i vrs. (.01 tye ai of LOS ANGELES VA. APPROVED 417 S.

HILL ST. MA.9-33031 out, oa. 6 wx. nwioi counting. Japanese.

838-6362 ELEGANT Chinchilla stole 34 skins, SCHOOLS, TRAININQ 1500 Please call Ruth Gordon nr. 56th western. 4og mo. comm. Call 756-2988; 751-2414.

rnnK.Hskpr. Pr. 87 in. pert.

J2uoo. i4-4V4-M4u ACCT. OFFICE MGR. All Phases BIoloov. High 265 S.

Main, MA. 8-6083 TEACHER Tutoring Our Day Almost Here. S. no sm. cnion.

top sai. CPL. Mge. 32 U. Orange County 20 yrs.

exp. im-iui 221-4852 BUY-sell-appraise, dla. gold silver. DENTAL TECHS. ASSTS scnooi college.

CAMERA OPERATORS SCHOOL nil N. GARDNER St. GEN. Hsewk. Negro pensioner, Arrni inTant PART TIME Furn.

2 br. Uti 50. POten iuv oiri In trouble call Booth Me Leo's, 313 w. stn.

ww.e-yeei MODERN welding. Vet retraining 923-9489 hrc. verv I te worx. 2 oeop e. oien- AERO stewardess with American tial bonus to $125.

Exp. UP.0-3634 F.C. Bookkeeping 4 Taxes. 622-0359 monai. social worner.

t.j-uoo appr. 9722 Firestone. Exciting future with high pay fori rmrtrait Cameraman. Short dav Airlines. 646-3563 8 vrs.

Exo. AP. AR enroll now oay or evening CALIF. COLLEGE OF DENTAL TRAINING 117 W. 9th, L.A.

MA. 2-2371 STENOTYPE SCHOOL of Calif. tCPL. manage 16 U. furn.

apt, adera Hts. No child. Free apt. Sm. Driving Instruction 1219 AFRfVldla time? Make Tempore evening courses, phone.

876-1204 payroll, tb. eonzaiei. zo-izo 2601 W. Olympic. uu.a-oi dale.

No slackers, clean, honest, happy disposition must. Right person will be treated like one of family. Jalopy helpful. Deafness, ring long. 244-0056 Sal.

385-4024 da. 4M74V.Wknd. ry ofc. work ail areas. ma.6-8i TAX Account-auditor seeks long term ANNOUNCEMENTS 1200 WANT a trade? Allied Weld Schl HELICOPTERS Trng.

FAA appr. Pit. S. Grd. schl.

Earn to S15 hr. -a. AIRI INF STEWARDESSES CPL. Retired prefd. Mng.

16 U. E. 4343 E. imperial. Lvnwd.

Nt.6-uiw association. AvaiiaDl 4 pays per wk. 670-5272 Western Airlines. Phone 646-4353 A-l DRIVING SCHOOL Nervous peoole OUR SPECIALTY' vwd. Man lit maim, txenange COURSE FINANCING $72 mo.

Heli iinitpo Trnrk Drivlna School. 12251 BARTENDER SCHOOL Orange Co. Prof. Day 4 Eves, classes. Easy terms.

210 N. Broadway, Santa Ana, 714-542-1862, GEN'L. Hskpr. 25-40. Llv in 5 days furn.

1 br. apt. 772-4194 copter Int'l. Lockhd. AP.

VI.9-7171 a nc saef NOT SORRY. Priv. rm. Ref. $200.

454-5742 AIRLINE Hostess Applicant See TWA's Sun. Ad. Teiegraon, Santa Fe sprgs. iu-moi MANAGER for new 14 units Holly-I 1st lesson no charge. Free home pickup serving all So.

Calif. CALL MA.7-1911 or your toll-free tor TELETYPE-TELETYPESETTER ftnnri opportunity for pensioner. Professlonat-Tachnlcal 2005 PACiPic hoTeL-MOTEL SCHOOLS, unnri. Furn. Free i or.

utii es. Please do nor pay over iu per nour from 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Including 813 So. Flower, L.A.

627-6763 Avail. Immediately. OL. 1-4640! Alterations: FITTER RUSINFSS MACHINES SCHOOL American barber Colleges Hskpr. tor aauit riain cookg.

It. duties. Priv. Saturdays, ask your piumoer tor DENflSTi Fam.

IHnesTfprces sale of the Downtown store, bxi. i4i. Call for Information or brochure. IP arm IBM Keypunch In 3 weeks. 1748 W.

Florence. PL.3-43361 mgr. 30 U. Elev. 1 br.

aot.sal very fine clothe for exclusive mod. sal. Box W-160, Times, BMI, 816 W. Olympic Blvd. RI.8-0121 of Long Beacn, san Anaheim.

Vet approved. Callwrite I ATK STEPHAN PLUMBING No chid, pets Interviews: 10 a.m.-4 yrs. gen. dentistry. Medical lab $175 Bartender Course $125 California Driving School iV Governess-Top Salary p.m.

T831 N. Gramercv 462-8563 bev. Mills women's shop. nr. wx, Pleasant atmosphere.

Top salary, MATTHEWS FREE TRIP refreshment, see! uesires position in ucuiai ui emeu Int'l. school. 2125 Sunset. 389-2119 World's Larsest. Call for FREE MID-AGE cple.

to manage hotel in 1504 laruiiK ee.e IArV Drl rm Beauty Training "ueTroit or me wesi. nww tnn im amrwi AAaka moneV On L.A. BOOKLET 4 SEE WHYIj 685-8530! Call Mr. Alpert CR. 1-21 27 117 E.

Colorado, pasaoena. 68i-4ay4, BARTENDERS TRAINED Free placement assist. Day 4 eve. No age limit. Short thor.

course, IIAMACCUCIIT CCDVirP VVIIIIGf tt drive. Other help. CR. 6-2597 NURSES TRAINING INST Train in Hospital. Day or Eve.

South Gate. go. salary turn. bpt. Call bet.

9-11 a.m.4 2-4 p.m. 457-4261 County land. No money dn. 462-1133 YOU can learn to drive. Expert in Financing, taxes, stmts.

F.C. ALTERATION LEARN Wig styling $90, i wk. crs, MAMAC hMit. ft. 4 rhirtra I lua In Hskor.

$300 mo. Live in structlon. 1 full hour S7.75. Practical 751-0825 or any part. Yourour ottice, Danceland Hostess Ballroom FINISHER no cry, lie, auov verm Maior 257 S.Sprlng.

MA.8-4293 2J24 Beverly Blvd. DU.6-0313 MEN 21-45 train for Law Entorce-ment Jobs. NTC. HO.S-1744, 7065 start $135 mo. Rets.

May nave own Driving School. 395-4320 A.0-54i I Caucasian. Must be willing to work, nt. child. WE.1-1701; 939-1328 Sun.j P.PAIITIFUL GIRLS Men' ilteration 4 retail clothing (MAY CO.

DeDt. Store. Learn Now! PHOTOG. prefer indust. or public 1324 S.

Figueroa. Rl.6-8500i High School Tralninc 1516 store. GR.7-4714, BR.2-2081 EXPER. MAN AGE-MAI NT. CPLE.

Lexington, L.A. 28. I Home study) Xlnt. cook. Torrance area.

OS. 9-1044 relations. Young man nas porttouo. ESTAB. SINCE 1961 SOUTHLAND COLLEGE OF MEDICAL 4 DENTAL ASST.

Pay later) call any May lo. store ask for free book let. ixL288J Local refs. 80, U. bldg.

Xlnt. opport. CHENEY Bros. Truck Driving Schl, or write Box 3204, Lennox, cant exper. $1.50 HEIRS Cash tor legacies 4 Trusts ALTERATION woman jy-4y, jvb-mvo HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME $300 furn.

apt. EX.6-6719, 0.5-3221 I EARN to drive 14 75 lesson. nr. 444 sjnset. IHOUSEKEEPER, motherless home.

ARCHITECT. 6 years exper. arch. serving neirs since iw I AAlw! Gas 4 Diesel. E-Z tms.

6021 York L.A. 42, CL.4-5161, AN.2-1131 American School 462-0035 1304 Whittier, Montebello. PA.2-2045 SPANISH Speaking Cpl. to manage ADT sateway scnooi or uriving. toi-tui planning.

jg3-jp4 ueiw. k-mi. ii Nafl. Estates, 307 W. 8th MA.2-4820 lam ui a i wr.

Hills. $175 to start. Gd. ref. Ag 20-27 AT W.C.T.S.

PBX LEARN FAST APPROVED FOR VETS Fvaar wnman rnna. zv rum. FIRST 6 Lessons $24. Ph. 466-4699! apt.

court, pre rent on or. nouse. Compton area. phone 734-8841 Culver City, 1 EARN TO DANCE 1523 Must have husband. Pool.

Wllshlre 10836 Washington, Office-Secretarial 2015 POX A-140, I initra Trades WE5TCOA5T PKIVINO airlUUl AMI THE TRADE SCHOOL 4907 S. Vermont, L.A. PL.3-5111 Ambass. area. Furn.

pt. salary, HOUSEKEEPER Cook. Exper MOTEL Mgrs. or Assist. Mgrs.

Must; Expert Instruction. Reasonable rates.l Caft Lois OS. 6-0284; Anthony LEGAL Secretary. Box S-231, Times, LEARN electronics at W.C.T.S, 11441S.AtlantIc, Lynwood. AIRI INP SCHOOLS PACIFIC vrs.

exper. CLASSES In interior furnshgs. De renaoie. Know otc. worn ience.

Refs. Live In. Prl. rm. ba.TV ci.

iiavi. Must drive. Other help. Sa MASTER plumber, 35 wants work. 1221 Do It Yourself KI.V-JIUl Schools, 1112 w.

Olympic. LU.1-3369! IN I UtKiNhMS LU 4 want to worxi san reoro. miniiyj ARTIST'S Material Store "hITRS ADJUSTMENT SE RV1CE nn InharltanrM 4 trust TUndS. PRX RPCPPTION TYPING larv open CR.5-3116 530 W. 6th L.A 627-3364 CPL.

Mng. apt. bldg. Hollywood. MiKBwlne'eif "homVifter Tiling 101 S.

Robertson. 271-8129 ELEC, Radio-Color TV. Learn fast 2025 Est. 30 yrs. W.

7th. MA.2-1159 ADt. -)- si oo salary, addiv aim Bev Domestic flying Hell an hr. EARN up to $10, at WCTS, 11441 s. Atlantic, Lynwd.

erly Blvd. 9. OL. 1-1410. the internal Revenue Aiconoi lax unit.

5 recipes $1. D. Makaron. P.O. HSKPR.

Live In. May have chldrn. or older cple. Dr's home, must love children. Sal.

open. 378-0984 849-1557 copters. Jade Burbank. ASTROLOGER (Licensed) near USC, needs women with ertlst supply knowledge and sales experience for sales 4 stock work. $1.65 hr.

to start. Call Mr. Blood for appointment. 1 LEARN IBM KEYPUNCH MANAGER 27 units brick Ambass. Guidelines Modeling Schools 1538 LEGAL training box 7194, Long aeacn, Lain, yww.

EUROPEAN VALET, 32, well educated, seeks position wwealthy, mid. aged bachelor. Box T-155, Times. district. $100 4- 1 br.

apt. 4 utll. Comptometer School. 407 S. Hill OV 3J TWO.

CAr. a0-7JJ Western. 466-1621 HSKPR. Motherless home. Ly-in.

Prl, voc. scni. 133 n. westi id iuatS rourfiM in French, Spa, RefS. MA.6-655S day.

HO.7-055B eve. classes MODELING, TV, ACTING 1 child OK or unweq. morn. Colleae HOLLYWOOD Barber IBM Training day Sawyer College. 1222 714-772-19151 GENT.

48, new car, want rm.apt, Furs Clothing Reverse charges. 747 S. Hill HO. 3-1353' EXPER. couple to manage 58 unit 1643 N.

Cherokee. nlsh, German, iraiian, uram School of Languages. 463-5344 exen. careraKer. w-ti m.

oir ASSEMBLERS aft under Mala Mela Wanted ir ukp Pvo. 95-50. Some cook, apt morel en vera, pba BUY The World's Finest Fur Direct upauY cleanina. garden, by NCR If possible. Good pay.

TO.9-2277 child care. Other help. Prv. suite. CAMPER CLUB.

Nr. Barstow. Club Patricia Stevens tareer Lonege. 609 S. Westmoreland.

DU.7-2114 15 S. Marengo, Pasa. SY.6-9234 MODEL 4 MODEL TYPES JOCELYN RYAN STUDIOS 3757 Wllshlre. DU. 7-5335 .9 to9 p.m.

dav. joe, u.i-mi Salary open. Loc. rets. GR.2-2982 tK MGR.

4 maint. man. Beverly Hills nouse. norses, swimming, ie. Llbrascope Group Glendel From Manufacturers.

Huge savings! Guaranteed, M. Jacques, 704 S. Hill. 2nd Fir. Suite 212 622-0347 rates.

Box 986, YermoL 714-257-3367. Apt. nouse. f.K.-rtti HSKPR. Live In.

5 da. Bev. Hills. Drl rm Pof atari S19Q IT10. 2031 Part Tims ATTDArT avnart vna.

woman dan Dlx. furn. Pool apts. Nr, MAN'S Plnkv diamond VA good cer will teacn vou an USC.Good sal.apt.Box mam 10. nart tlma work between 6:30 coin Theatrical Training 1545 color, jotoo.

ri4-4y-ju steps. Ardelle, 591-5652, P.M. Mr.B refind. im. dlx.

bldo. Pool. Nr. Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words. HSKPR.

Prl. rm. ba. TV. S'i day ufV 0 children 14 4 Natural mink STOLES 88 P.m.-8:3U P.m, nu.i vnnun vegetarians Beach Par COMPOSER OFHlT SONGS Ambas.

1 br. apt. SAL. CR.8-Q389I 5Peiiman buys rurs, jiu wiisn. Pac.

Palls. Refs. GL. 4-0702, WILL WRITE NEW MELODIES TO I rniiPLE manager 24. adult units.

ty 723. into, pnone p.m. ooi-ijoj CORKER ucifPR. Tnnk for rectory. San Ga Your LyrlCS.

HU.5-24B, OL.6-Zl JOBS MEN 2100 W.L.A. bK.4-6ao, EA.I-2I4U1 MONTGOMERY WARD 172 1227 Health Aids INTERVIEWING FOR FILMS, TV brie Valley. 3 priests. Nice living CPL. Aof.

exchange to moe. dg. WIIOYS. otrs. Write Box T-149.

Times. 4 COMMERCIALS. THbAIKb VP TRAVEL Companion 4 hskpr. Well, nr. Ampassaaor motbl ul.i-i4iu BUY SAVE AT SAVE-C0.

ARTS. 5816 Wilshire. WE.3-5939 HOUSEKEEPER DR'S. HOME educated 4 speaks several langua COUPLE Manager for 12 units. Must New Method! DU.8-7048 on.

vr nf aaa. Live in. 1 Infant, LEARN TO BE A MALE MODEL HOME for unwed mother. 714-539-7365 ges. Xlnt.

cook but no hswk.388-997p be handy 4 good renters, lk. o-hw rail After P.m. CPLF Mas. Lovelv 27 U. Monterey URINARY PROBLEMS.

Glands, etc. BKKPR. FC Temporary NCR, Had- JULcLY RYAN S1UUIUS 3757 Wllshlre. DU.7-5335 9 to 9 p.m, Refs. rea.

Sal, open. 385-0739 JrHHOpSEKEEPER PLAIN COO.r ria In. tno ka Prl. rm. ba.TV.

r-r rjr-. i.i..!.. ley. Taxes. 384-3V6y atter p.m.i Pk.

fcxper. i or. 4-usu ID.vuu yas. oecoretor arapery rouni-a. Cil clinical matters.

Young Doctor ivltes unusual cases, Salomons, D. MUSTC PUTT6YOUR LYRICS. AC 5QC-S1 yd. Keg. s-m yo.

CPL. mge. apt. house. Man can be Ext.

Help. For. born pref. CR.5-7070 COMPANIMENT FOR SINbbKS 2104 Resultsl consultation contioentiai Office BUY U.S. SAVINGS BONDS YOCEV empiy'd.

ddi.jpt. sai. y-aM DAVID SHERIFF 656-2854, 466-2466 HSKPR. cook for handicapped lady! 1241 overweight 25lbs. or more? Call Stamps, Coins MAI EQUIPMENT CORP.

CPLE. Manag SO U. Free apt. RECORD Co. Needs Singers.

ADDRESSING 4 typing In my home us, we need you tor guaranteed re 4 4 children. Pleasant, over sai. open. 732-2563. sal.

No child. 776-0682, ev.wknd.! "MAY WINES" LYRICS 4 SONGS. TR. 7-7085 Will pick up 4 deliver. my-yan; Need a band? Call Paul.

ST.S-7099 CPLE. or ledyTBR. Apt. Baby OK. ducing programi aani monica area, EX 1-8777.

Mr. Tonv. WllLe Brea HSKPR. dav live In i or 5 das, NEED bright boys, girls, adults for! ADDRESSING 4 Mailing Service. 30i PRIVATE party forced to tat 40 1 KUA A Duiikil I 20 u.

turn.unt. hoiivwo. wbosi Spanish spkg. U.K. 14U.

ui.y-w4i rea, 937-9899, Mr. Thomas. Downey TV comnris. no exp. nec.

i exp. typists 4B-Mjv, MGE. 8 U. Covins. Gardening 4 paint hskpr.

Purnoean or Oriental. Live area, 923-9123, Mr, praxe. CALL Greyhound for $2 Sliver Vegas Trip HYPNOSiTFORTYOU Sannsor Bv Ethical Hvpnosli $10 hr. BKKPG. monthly charge for all yr.

miiWIIWIi wi nrvn. (tamp. Collection consisting of Ryuku Is. complete mint, Japan 80 HAVE talent. Record itl Krutoff.

466-9951, A. 5. 466-2466. in, pr. rm TV.

sai. J2su. vjo-4ujo hMbt iiwl av raonrt. xnT rprt. 2464874 For duality stereo Tape.

t2" 1-2 I JUST A WOKP I JUST A WOKP Hysnotlsm 1228 CPL. Mng. 20 U. LITE MAINT. Free vr.

arrnuntlna exoer. 292-4908 HOUSEKEEPING Car 1 Child. Prl; mint wDks. ot mint r.u.L. i mvanir fthtt.

For further ca COINS. 483 S. apt. utiis. 4- ponus.

pu. -3i86. DIDQ Cr all nh.t.1 Dl tAV0C vate room, oath. vni-J" SOTILD ZH FRANCHEL OF TV FRANCHEL OF J. PAAII 287-4019 I GOOD renter for new 20 un.

PROFESSIONAL SERY. ITOO (Nr. May co.i jjj-iimj Spanish! BETWEEN OFTONENTS. 195555 Double Die cent XFAU HSKPR. Lite, child care, speaking OK.

Live In. relating uunrs, 4 rrs. i-ui. acctg. Gd.

ref. Box W-174, Tmes. sg aot. Donus. 653-040 788-9631 ROCK WITH FOSSIL IMPRINTS $1.

Private Consullatlon Classes. Self Improvement. Confidence. Hypnotism and Self-Hypnosis. 785-66621 SEMI-retired cpl.

mge. 18 mod. HSKPR. Live In. Motherless home, Gem bu 1950-D.

Nicxeis su.yi 1964 Proof Sets $9.95 FC, typist. 10 yrs. Payroll. Keniea, box zna, weosno, mo. WHITE FRONT STORET PRIVATE 4 BUSINESS Apt.

1 yj8-60J, 655-4B4I Xlnt. skills. $80 wk. DU. 7-9564.

boys 4 4 7. $100 mo. 675-6355 "NEW BUT BOARD-STAMP AND COIN CITY ence in xint. Russian, $195 mo. 4- comm.

Col. to mng. KVEDEIl BOOKKEEPER-TYPIST FC HSKPR.COMPANION, lite HYPNOTISM MADE EASY Learn New Superior Methods and Powerful-Effective Self-Hypnosis Van rhnlre Exclusive Groups att Riackiack olaver new method motel. Must oe exper, z5-Ki5i 339 S. Fairfax (Nr.

3rd.) 4512112 Patents Inventions IT 1 1 Ail pnases Aner aoz-voz Caucasian, 50-55 year. HSkPR-Child care. (2) Live In. 393 Emerson, Denver. 1O03-777-103I Now trranie the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.

CPL. Manage 25 U. exp. full maint. Lake-: BKKPR.

Secy. Exec, status. Fine UNCIRCULATED COINS 1 CASH IN bN YOUR IDEAS Ladles Welcome. 532-5790. 379-3678 west coast trade schools 0900 ret, no cniopets.

go, sai. UL.frynu wood. Nice hme. Perm. 429' FREE PRICE LIST.

WRITE: work, desires wknd. Acct. WE. 1-9200 RkTKPP FC Accountant. Ofc.

Mgr. NOR LAC 870-8605 For into, call MATURE Ladv to manaaa 13 U. nr 1015 Olympic. Los Angeles 13762 Victory Blvd. Van Nuys! HSKPR Ironing I day wk.

Pref. Frl 4- HYPNOSIS stn 4 western. Kan rent. mu.Hrt Must have carrefs. 472-0583 Thoroughly exper.

WE.9-8369 1 P.K. of dif. German stamps. Worth Help Horns Improvement 1800 CALL Greyhound for $2 Silver Nugget, Las Vegas Trip FLY El Ca'pltan CASINO. Nevada CPL.

Only. Mng. 9 U. Hlywd. $100 Prist the SURPRISE ANSWER hen board, small HSKPR.

for man. Rm. 4 $8500. Best offer. Xlnt.

cond. Call aft 6. P.m. 334-1414 i A A A A 2132 Domestio A- ETHICAL HYPNOS 5 CtNitK Curry. reoec.

i pr. tor sou. 4j-iuuji salary. 624-6247 ask tor Mr- ASPHALT 4 vinyl tile Installed rea- $10 package. Dally flights.

VI.9-5568 MID-Aoe cole, to mge. small hotel TH collector shoo. Buy stamps AID mother Japanese school Blrl nr. sonaeiy. I3-40U, 34MM5U rKee in i ctX Insurance 1229 t) HSKPR, Ase 45-60.

Pr. club. Apt Sal. Apply 940 S. Figueroa.

LA coins, sis s. spring. oz-26 FLY Vegas. Hacienda Champagne Hlywd, $200 me. apt.

ho.4-ii4 Cambria School. 474-01501 Carpentry 4 cab. work. Free! 671-2126 or 759-4682! MOTEL Manager. ExpU PBX.

Bon- 10 dlf, date unc. sll. dol. $18.50. Dpi.

tour via Western Airlines, SP.6-4511 Live-in. Santa! care. AVAIL, for babysitting nltes, wcomej estm. paneimg. Ta "iX AS tS' "OKI TIC if SI NEW store, 517 W.

7th St- LjC dahle. ret. Box B-063. Times (Answers tomorrow) Yesterday's answers: SCARY, PURGE, TYPHUS, NICELY "PLAY THINGS." CREDENZA. Fr.

Prov. Farlv Amer 451-13V0I Monica, Rets, req, to home. Adams, 732-684 eves. CARPETS Installed, $.90 yd. 21 yrs.

$25,000. $1.25 wk. ABC. 385-9095 hskpr. Llva-in.

Prlv ot. I dav SUPERIOR Stamp 4 Coin Co. Large SI. trt. dmg.

1 5T.7-5540 BABYSITTING In your home. Nlshtu, TRAILER PARK MANAGER. MUST HAVE TRLR, CALL (2131 PL.3-54471 exp. pre est. guar.

Kets. turn fremonT, jij iremonT. L.v.. wev. Refs.

2 child. $185 start. UP.0-8123 Experienced, 292-68491 BUCK, 666-567, TOI1 CailS BCCCPT. rRTftWPElrmeTSavi In 2 bottles. $75.

Pr. Pty. 27M72j S. A. Jackman.


The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)


Where is Los Angeles Times? ›

2300 E. Imperial Highway El Segundo

What is LA Times known for? ›

The Los Angeles Times is the largest metropolitan daily newspaper in the country, with more than 40 million unique visitors monthly, Sunday print readership of 1.6 million and a combined print and online local weekly audience of 4.4 million.

Who started the LA Times? ›

December 4, 1881: Nathan Cole, Jr. and Thomas Gardiner start the Los Angeles Daily Times, which is printed by the Mirror Printing Office. It is published daily except Mondays.

How many hours is Los Angeles to California? ›

Yes, the driving distance between Los Angeles to Southern California is 125 miles. It takes approximately 3h 4m to drive from Los Angeles to Southern California.

What city is the Los Angeles Times published in? ›

Los Angeles Times, morning daily newspaper founded (1881) in Los Angeles that in the 1960s began to develop from a regional daily into one of the world's great newspapers. The paper moved its headquarters to El Segundo, California, in 2018.

Where can I pick up LA Times? ›

News Rack Locations
Outlet NameAddress
1Trader Joe's214 E. Alameda Avenue
2Starbuck's Coffee1190 W. Alameda Avenue
3CVS/Ralph's Market1551 N. Buena Vista
4Image Copy Works1909 W. Burbank Blvd.
57 more rows
Aug 11, 2011

Who is the daughter of the LA Times owner? ›

Nika Soon-Shiong
BornFebruary 26, 1993
Parent(s)Patrick Soon-Shiong (father) Michele B. Chan (mother)
Alma materStanford University (MA, BA) University of Oxford (PhD, attending)
7 more rows

Who runs LA Times? ›

Chris Argentieri is President and Chief Operating Officer of the Los Angeles Times, overseeing all the business operations of The Times.

Who first lived in Los Angeles? ›

Historically, the areas of present day Los Angeles was home to the Chumash and Tongva Native American tribes.

Which state is 3 hours to California? ›

Answer: The states that are 3 hours ahead of California are those in the Eastern Time Zone, such as New York, Florida, and Georgia.

Is it expensive in Los-Angeles? ›

Los Angeles, CA housing is 137% more expensive than the U.S average, while utilities are about 12% pricier. When it comes to basic necessities such as food and clothing, groceries are around 16% more in Los Angeles, CA than in the rest of the country, while clothing costs around 16% more .

Which state is 1 hour to California? ›

Nevada, the state famous for casinos, dazzling lights, and, believe it or not, being one hour ahead of California. So, if you're itching to be an hour ahead of your Californian friends (who are probably just waking up with a smoothie in hand), pack your bags and head to Nevada!

What does the Los Angeles Times cover? ›

Lisa McRee interviews L.A. Times journalists and photographers covering local news, politics, business, entertainment, sports, and opinion, Monday through Friday at 7 and 10 p.m. on Spectrum News 1.

Is the Los Angeles Times reliable? ›

Overview. Ad Fontes Media rates Los Angeles Times in the Skews Left category of bias and as Reliable, Analysis/Fact Reporting in terms of reliability. Los Angeles Times is a daily newspaper that has covered Southern California since 1881. The LA Times has won more than 40 Pulitzer Prizes.

How much is the LA Times on line? ›

Unlimited Digital Access subscriber: This is your all-access pass to the Los Angeles Times app, as well as other benefits for $15.99 a month.

Is LA Times in print? ›

All plans include our award-winning journalism and Unlimited Digital Access. Plus receive The Envelope magazine - digital edition email or print edition mailed to your home, depending on service type and delivery area, and Image magazine with all 7-day and weekend subscriptions. Cancel auto-renewal anytime.

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.